A Multilevel Automated Car Parking has been constructed by GMDA in front of Shraddhanjali Kanan at R.G. Baruah Road at a project cost of Rs. 14.38 Crore. The project is funded under Special Plan Assistance. The project is completed and opened to public. It has the capacity to accommodate 302 four-wheeled vehicles and 25 two-wheeled vehicles at a time.
Govt. Sanction No. (A.A.): GDD 55/2013/108, dated 08.01.2014
Total Project Cost: Rs. 1433.83 Lakh (Rs. 1388.89 Lakh for the MLCP works + Rs. 44.94 Lacs for shifting of other services like existing electrical lines etc.)
Location: In R.G. Baruah Road in front of Shraddhanjali Kanan
Total plot area: Approx. 1 Bigha
Name of Contractor: M/s. Ram Ratna Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.
Contract Agreement signed on: 17.11.2014
Letter of Intent (LOI): Vide No. GMDA/DEV/2/2014/96, dated 11.12.2014
Tender value of the project: Rs. 1388.89 Lakh
Total Nos. of Car Parking Modules: 8 Nos.
Operation & Maintenance: 1 year Operation & Maintenance of the parking system will be done by the contractor.
Power backup: 160 KvA Diesel Genset (installed)
Face lifting works: Construction of face lifting work in front side of the MLCP like construction of boundary wall, drive way, RCC culvert with cattle trap, Ornamental fencing, landscaping etc. amounting to Rs. 16.58 lakh (approx.)
Additional facility provided: Drivers' rest room, care taker’s room with toilet facility having 24-hour running water , ticket counter etc.
Storm water drainage: Surrounding campus drain linked to PWD roadside main drain
Trial run & test drive: Trial run has been successfully done module wise at its full capacity and test drive has been carried out.
Entry and Retrieval of vehicles: Entry and Retrieval of vehicles will be executed by electronically operated system by skilled technicians deployed by the contractor.